How We Work

Our Strategic Approach

Our strategies are designed to identify and capitalize on growth opportunities that align with your business goals. We conduct in-depth market analysis to uncover emerging trends and potential areas for expansion, ensuring your company is always one step ahead.

Efficiency is key to staying competitive. We help streamline your operations by implementing best practices and cutting-edge technologies. This not only reduces costs but also improves productivity and customer satisfaction.

Your product roadmap is crucial to your company’s success. We work with you to develop a roadmap that leverages your core capabilities and builds on them. Our approach ensures that your products remain relevant, innovative, and competitive in the market.

In today’s market, customer loyalty cannot be taken for granted. We help you develop strategies that go beyond brand loyalty, ensuring your customers stay with you because of the value you provide. From enhancing customer experience to implementing loyalty programs, we cover all bases to keep your customers engaged and satisfied.

Consultancy Engagement Plan

Phase 1: External Analysis of Your Company and Competition (1 week)

  • Understand the current position of your company in the market.
  • Analyze the competitive landscape.
  • Identify key opportunities and threats.
  1. Market Research:
    • Gather data on market trends, customer preferences, and technological advancements.
    • Analyze industry reports and market surveys.
  2. Competitive Analysis:
    • Identify main competitors and analyze their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).
    • Assess competitors’ strategies, products, and market positioning.
  3. SWOT Analysis of Your Company:
    • Conduct a thorough SWOT analysis to understand internal strengths and weaknesses.
    • Evaluate external opportunities and threats.
  • Detailed market research report.
  • Competitive analysis report.
  • SWOT analysis of your company.


  • Engage with key stakeholders.
  • Gather insights on internal processes, culture, and strategic goals.
  1. Stakeholder Interviews:
    • Conduct interviews with key executives, department heads, and other relevant personnel.
    • Understand the company’s vision, mission, and strategic goals.
  2. Internal Process Review:
    • Analyze current operational processes and workflows.
    • Identify areas for improvement and potential bottlenecks.
  3. Culture Assessment:
    • Evaluate the company’s culture and its impact on performance and innovation.
    • Identify strengths and areas for cultural development.
  • Summary of stakeholder interviews.
  • Internal process review report.
  • Culture assessment report.


  • Develop a comprehensive strategic plan.
  • Provide recommendations based on market opportunities and technological threats.
  1. Strategic Planning Workshops:
    • Facilitate workshops with key stakeholders to brainstorm and align on strategic priorities.
    • Use collaborative tools to develop a strategic vision and objectives.
  2. Opportunity and Threat Analysis:
    • Identify key opportunities for growth and innovation.
    • Assess technological threats and develop mitigation strategies.
  3. Strategic Plan Development:
    • Formulate strategic initiatives and action plans.
    • Define key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success.
  • Comprehensive strategic plan document.
  • List of strategic initiatives and action plans.
  • KPI framework.
  • Develop prototypes to test strategic initiatives.
  • Validate concepts through initial deployment.
  1. Prototype Design:
    • Design prototypes for key strategic initiatives.
    • Incorporate feedback from stakeholders and market analysis.
  2. Prototype Development:
    • Develop working prototypes using agile methodologies.
    • Ensure prototypes align with strategic goals and objectives.
  3. Initial Deployment and Testing:
    • Deploy prototypes in a controlled environment.
    • Collect feedback and performance data.
  • Prototype designs and specifications.
  • Working prototypes.
  • Initial deployment report.
  • Continuously improve and refine prototypes.
  • Ensure alignment with strategic objectives and market demands.
  1. Feedback Collection:
    • Gather continuous feedback from stakeholders and users.
    • Use feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  2. Iterative Development:
    • Implement iterative development cycles to enhance prototypes.
    • Test and validate each iteration to ensure improvements.
  3. Upgrades and Enhancements:
    • Develop and deploy upgrades based on iterative feedback.
    • Ensure that enhancements align with strategic goals.
  • Iteration reports detailing feedback and improvements.
  • Updated prototypes with enhancements.
  • Final deployment plan for fully developed solutions.

External Analysis1 week
Analysis and Engagement with Company1 week
Development of Strategic Plan2 weeks
Development of Prototypes2 weeks
Iterations and UpgradesOngoing

This engagement plan ensures a thorough analysis of both the internal and external environments, the creation of a robust strategic plan, and the development and refinement of innovative prototypes. By following this structured approach, your company can effectively navigate the evolving technological landscape and maintain a competitive edge.